How To Fix Ridged Nails: Step-by-Step

How To Fix Ridged Nails: Step-by-Step

How To Fix Ridged Nails: Step-by-Step

Do you wish there was a solution to your ridged nails? Don't fret; everything will be taken care of. In this piece, we will show you how to repair ridged nails with ease. Whether your nails are ridged from birth or have become so over time, we'll discuss tried-and-true methods for smoothing them out. Get ready to wave goodbye to bumpy surfaces and brittleness, and hello to perfectly manicured hands. Now is the time to begin the path to stronger, healthier nails.

What Are Ridged Nails?

Ridged nails, also known as nail ridges or onychorrhexis, are a common nail condition characterized by vertical or horizontal lines or ridges on the surface of the nails. These ridges can be shallow or deep, and they may run the entire length of the nail or be limited to certain areas. Age, malnutrition, trauma, certain medical problems, and genetics are only some of the causes of ridged nails. While ridged nails may not be a serious health concern, they can be unsightly and make it difficult to achieve a smooth and polished nail appearance.

How To Fix Ridged Nails: Step-by-Step

  1. Prepare your nails: Before starting the process of fixing ridged nails, it is important to properly prepare your nails. Start by removing any existing nail polish using a gentle nail polish remover. Then, trim and shape your nails using a nail file. This will help create a smooth surface for the next steps.
  2. Buff the ridges: To smooth out the ridges on your nails, you will need a buffing block or a nail buffer. Gently buff the surface of your nails in a back-and-forth motion. Be careful not to apply too much pressure or buff too aggressively, as this can damage your nails. The goal is to gradually reduce the ridges and create a smoother surface.
  3. Moisturize and hydrate: Ridged nails often lack moisture, so it is important to replenish and hydrate them. Apply a nourishing cuticle oil or a moisturizing nail cream to your nails and cuticles. Massage the product in to promote healthy nail growth and hydration. This step will help prevent future ridges from forming and keep your nails looking healthy.
  4. Apply a ridge-filling base coat: To further improve the appearance of your ridged nails, use a ridge-filling base coat. This type of base coat is specifically designed to fill in the unevenness caused by ridges, creating a smoother canvas for your nail polish. Apply a thin layer of the ridge-filling base coat to each nail and allow it to dry completely before moving on to the next step.
  5. Apply your favorite nail polish: Now that your nails are prepped and primed, it's time to add some color. Choose your favorite nail polish and apply it to your nails, starting with a thin layer. Allow the first layer to dry before applying a second and possibly third layer, depending on the opacity and coverage of the polish. Make sure to use smooth, even strokes to avoid streaks or uneven application.
  6. Seal with a top coat: To protect your newly polished nails and extend their longevity, finish off your manicure with a top coat nail hardener. This will seal in the color and provide a glossy finish. Apply a thin layer of the top coat, making sure to cover the entire nail surface and seal the edges. Allow the top coat to dry completely for a flawless, long-lasting manicure.
  7. Maintain your nails: To prevent ridges from reappearing and maintain the health of your nails, it's important to follow a regular nail care routine. This includes keeping your nails trimmed, moisturized, and protected. Avoid harsh chemicals and excessive use of nail products that can weaken and damage your nails.

What Causes Ridged Nails?

Nail ridges, also known as onychorrhexis, are a cosmetic and cosmetically unappealing condition that affects many women. Nails with these ridges can become unsightly and brittle, increasing their fragility and the likelihood of breakage. Learning what factors lead to ridged nails is the first step in solving this issue.

Nails become ridged as we become older. Nails rely on the proteins collagen and keratin, which are produced in decreasing amounts with age. The nails may get ridged as a result of this. Reduced blood supply to the nail bed is another aging-related cause of brittle, ridged nails.

Nutritional inadequacies are another prevalent reason for ridged nails. Vitamin B12, iron, and zinc are just a few of the vitamins and minerals essential for healthy nails. Ridges on the nails are a common sign of nutritional deficiency. Maintaining a healthy diet rich in these elements is essential for healthy nail growth.

Water exposure or chemical exposure can also cause nail ridges if it lasts too long. Nail ridges can be caused by repeatedly washing your hands in water, which might happen when cleaning the dishes or swimming. Nail treatments and cleaning agents that are too abrasive can also weaken the nail bed and cause ridges.

How Can Ridged Nails Be Prevented?

Although ridged nails are a common concern among women, there are many ways to prevent and treat them. Here are several tried-and-true methods for reducing the appearance of nail ridges, whether they're vertical or horizontal:

  1. Maintain a balanced diet: Proper nutrition plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy nails. Make sure to include foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and proteins, such as fruits, vegetables, and lean meats. Nutrients like biotin and vitamin E are particularly beneficial nail strengtheners.
  2. Stay hydrated: Drinking an adequate amount of water is essential for maintaining proper nail hydration. Dehydration can lead to dry and brittle nails, increasing the chances of developing ridges. Aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day to keep your nails and body hydrated.
  3. Protect your nails: To prevent ridges, it's essential to protect your nails from excessive trauma and chemicals. Wear gloves when performing household chores, gardening, or using harsh cleaning agents. Avoid using your nails as tools to open packages or scrape off stickers, as this can lead to damage and ridges.
  4. Moisturize your nails and cuticles: Regularly moisturizing your nails and cuticles can help prevent ridges and keep them hydrated. Apply a nourishing cuticle oil, such as olive oil or coconut oil, or a moisturizing hand cream to your nails and cuticles daily. Massage the products in circular motions to stimulate blood circulation.


Ridged nails are frequent in women, but they can be handled with proper prevention. A healthy diet, enough of water, protection from damage and chemicals, and frequent moisturizing will all contribute to stronger, smoother nails. It's important to take care of your nails and cuticles by eating well, staying hydrated, occasionally donning gloves, and applying lotion every day. Nail ridges can be avoided and healthy growth encouraged by following these guidelines.

Final Thoughts

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